The ABC Tour
Inspired by seeing other performers in unconventional performance venues, Jon set out to complete The ABC Tour – twenty-six shows taking place where you’d least expect them to be.
What he thought would take no more than a couple of months ended up being a mammoth three-year project featuring some of the toughest, most brutal and most enjoyable performances of his life.
From attempting to juggle while wearing roller skates and the unexpected discoveries of performing at a naturist’s resort, to the challenges that come with working in rainforest conditions covered in ants or in snowy conditions at -10°C, Jon’s story from A to Z is now available as a book and a video documentary.
“Some ideas make you say, ‘Why didn’t I think of that?’ Not this one. The ABC Tour might be the worst idea a juggler has ever had (and that’s saying something!). But writing a book about it was a perfect idea – as is reading one.”