Up to my roasted chestnuts in Christmas

I am writing this in a small gap I have between show 1 and show 2 today. It’s fair to say that Christmas is well and truly here. But in all fairness, it’s been here as soon as the clock hand struck midnight on Hallowe’en. I love Christmas, I really do. But I am also a performer. This puts me in an odd position being that I love all of the festivities, but I don’t have time to enjoy them because I’m too busy providing entertainment for the people that have “regular” jobs. Perhaps I should take a more positive angle and take joy from the fact I am enhancing the Christmas experience for others.

I have to clarify that I am not complaining here. I am privileged to be in a position in my career where I am performing every day (sometimes more) during this time, but in all honesty, I’m very tired! Between now and the 22nd Dec I have 11 shows left and then I’ll be on a Christmas break for the rest of the year. I don’t like to swear in these blogs, but I feel like this is an exceptional circumstance….. I can’t flipping wait!!!! It’s been a very full on year with shows, and travelling, and the book launch, and Variety Bungalow, that I am fizzing with excitement to have a little time to just chill. However, if other years are anything to go by, as soon as I have finished my last show of the year on the 22nd December, I will get ill. The very moment, I catch the last juggling club of 2022, the snot will gush towards my nostrils and bung me up for Christmas. And you know what, I still can’t wait!

In the mean time, I am going to be back on stage in 3 hours, so it’s time for a cuppa tea, some dinner, then off to perform for the second time today. Sounds like bliss to me.

I shouldn’t limit myself in just trying to spread festive joy on stage. I should also have a bash at doing it here! So here's a little festive video I recorded at the end of 2020. This is the result of what was a weird ol' year! Enjoy!


Caribbean Cruise 1 of 2.


P&O Ventura