Getting back to it

I have been putting off writing this blog for a long time. In fact the last blog update was in August. What on earth have I been playing at? I’ll tell you what I’ve been playing. I’ve been playing a little game called “Let’s see how long I can not write for”. And a guess in a way, now that I’m here, I’ve lost! It’s a weird thing writing. I find it really difficult to get back into it after stopping for a while. I wouldn’t say it’s writers block. It’s more like an incredibly weak writing muscle that’s been affected by a complete lack of use. It’s so weak that I’m not even that sure where it is anymore. I guess there was a time when people would have assumed their writing muscle was in their hand. But now, I guess it’s in my finger tips. Maybe in the future, the writing muscle will be assumed to be in the thumb from exclusively writing on phones. Who knows? I’m waffling. I feel like I need to bash this blog out, to try and get back into it, and then maybe I can start writing something alright again.

Ok I have stuff to say.

I am currently at sea on P&O Iona, traveling from Tenerife to Tortola. We are on sea day 2/6 at the moment, and I have to say, the time is dragging. Sea days always feel long for me, because for my entire life, I’ve been a land mammal. I try and keep myself busy, but there’s nothing like digging your feet into the ground. At the time of writing, we are approximately here.

But if you’re so needy and invested that you’d like a more accurate location, we are here (we’re the ones in the red circle …

As we are heading West across the Atlantic, we are winding the clocks back one hour most nights in order to adapt to the time-zone in Tortola. This means an extra hour of sleep each night. Result!

I performed my shows last night (3 x 50 mins!!!), and now I am exhausted. The crowds were fantastic, and seemed to really lap up my juggly nonsense, which is great news for me. My next show is in a few days, so hopefully their enthusiasm for Udry Juggs (my burlesque name?) hasn’t worn off.

The 1000 day juggling challenge is still, as you’d expect, ongoing. I am now on day 141 of 1000 and I have averaged 23.14 minutes of practice each day. It’s not always easy to get the hours in whilst on a ship, especially on sea days, as entertainment schedule is crammed full, which means all of the venues are too busy for me to practice in. But I’m doing what I can with the situation that I have. Here is a recent update from the 100 day mark.

As you are aware, we are now in a completely brand new year, which means that I have my annual recap video. This obviously came out on new years day, but as you know, I didn’t tell you about it! If you fancy watching around 6 mins of my 2024, here is one second every day of it!

Finally before I wrap this up, I am doing a solo show at The Wardrobe Theatre on the 4th Feb. It should be fun. I’ll be doing my classics plus a few other bits. Grab your ticket from here!

Ok that’s all for now. Thanks for reading this far. I will hopefully be doing more of these in the future. I’ll keep you posted I suppose.

Stay stunning.


Train times