Travels and Variety Bungalow

A few days ago I arrived home from spending two glorious weeks on the Norwegian Gem. I had a fantastic time on board as always, but no matter where I am in the world, I always look forward to coming home. I arrived home on Sunday night, Monday I spent with Molly and then did my laundry, Tuesday I repacked my bag and went for beers with my mates, and now it is Wednesday morning and I am off again on my next adventure. 

These quick turn around days between travels I sometimes find quite daunting. When I only have a couple of days at home I want to fit in hanging with my fiancé, cooking nice meals, doing some house work (I genuinely miss this when I am away), getting out into nature, practicing, unpacking, repacking, laundry, seeing friends, blah blah blah. And when you only have 48 hours at home to do it, it can sometimes feel a bit hectic. This is how I have spent my last few days. 

Now I am zipping to London on the train to go and spend a few days with Molly and her family (my inlaws to be? My inlaw to be’s? My inlaws to be’s?!) before I treck off to Rome to join Norwegian Escape for 12 days. It’s all go go go!

When I get back from this next contract it will be just 5 days until Variety Bungalow at The Wardrobe Theatre in Bristol. We have such a great line up consisting of Molly Whitehouse, Sylvia Hunt, Bubblina, Darryl J Carrington and Les Bubb. If you don’t have a ticket yet, get one. If this show goes down well, then I will hopefully do another one soon. Get your tickets from here.

Ok, that’s all from me this week. Have a good one! Bye for now.

J x


Things I’ve been into this week:

Ed Stafford:

I have been fan boying over Ed Stafford for a few weeks now. He is a survivalist and adventurer. His first program is called "Walking the Amazon" where he documents his journey of walking the entire length of the Amazon River, unaided, in 2.5 years. That led my to his next program called "Naked and Marooned". In this one he spends 60 days on an uninhabited desert island with no clothes, no tools, not even a knife, NOTHING. He learns to survive and even thrive. After this I’ve been watching his other programs "Marooned" and left and "Left To Dead" where he is dropped in a place for 10 days and has to show survive and thrive to his maximum within 10 days. Both of these last two programs are basically the same, I don’t know why they are called different things. Anyways, if you like this kind of stuff, check it out. 

Alan Partridge: From the Oasthouse

If you love Alan Partridge, (and if you don’t, I genuinely don’t know why) then you’ll love his podcast From The Oaasthouse, available on Audible. It is laugh out loud funny. I had to stop listening to it in the gym, because I was giggling to myself and people were giving me odd looks. 

I Must Say by Martin Short

I’ve just finished reading Martin Short’s autobiography, and I cannot recommend it enough. He is such a great story teller, and incredibly funny too. He has had a tough life, but his joyous outlook on the world is admirable. 



Variety Bungalow


Norwegian Gem